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Home > Taking Payments > Payment Processors > Setting up Paypal Pro as a processor
Setting up Paypal Pro as a processor
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Paypal Pro is a service akin to Stripe that allows you to create an account - and that account acts as your processor for online transactions.

MeetMax can connect with your Paypal Pro  account - in order to process payments received through MeetMax and any refunds.

Paypal Pro has changed it's interface frequently over the past few years, so documenting exactly what you will see when you log into your account is tricky.

You do need to be able to see a Tab called API credentials.   Currently under Tools.  If you cannot see this - you probably do not have a aypal Pro account.

And it should look somewhat like this:

If you see the option for Payflow Pro - use that.  Its a far easier integration.

Click the second option - Setup Payflow Pro API Access

If no such items exist in you account, click Create Access.  If they do - simple copy and paste one line - we need all of it - User, Partner, Vendor and Password - and send it to your MeetMax Rep.

We use those credentials in our Payflow Gateway integration - and it works with your Paypal Pro account.


If you do not see an option for Payflow Pro API, and only see Paypal API - let us know.  This is a different, older integration and actually involves MeetMax sending you API details - and you have to add those to your account.   

But the strong preference is to use the newer Payflow Pro API which is better supported by Paypal.



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