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Home > Taking Payments > Transactions List
Transactions List
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The Transactions list is a complete list of all "payment" transactions made against invoices.   These can include credit card payments and off-line credits, debits and refunds made via the Balance page for an individual.  This list can be downloaded to Excel.

Fields on the List

The fields on the list include

  • Tx_ID - this is the transaction ID that MeetMax assigns to the transaction.  This ID from MeetMax should also appear in the records you receive from your processor.  Although, in for example, it is truncated so only the first few characters show - enough for a match.   The ID value links to the related receipt.
  • The Attendee name and the associated Payer name (usually the same but not always)
  • Live Mode - Live or Test
  • Description - what type of transaction it was
  • Tx_Type - This will distinguish between Free Signups, Card Payments, Refunds and Manual payments made via the Balance page.
  • Status - Success (S) or Failure (F) Pending (P) Void (V)
  • Processor's Tx_ID - this is the value MeetMax gets back from the processors such as, Stripe or Paypal.  This value allows you to search the processor record for the equivalent record.  Or if you download from the processor site - will allow you to perform a complete reconciliation to the MeetMax data.


Filtering on the Transactions List

You can search on the transactions list:  

  • Payer name filters can help you track down which attendee was actually paid for - useful if you have a payer who does not show up as an attendee
  • Live Mode filter screens out any transaction made while in Test mode
  • Status will let you highlight Failed transactions (F) Successful Transactions (S). Pending (P) or Void (V)
  • Discount Code will filter for transactions submitted with a discount applied. The Event discount codes will show in the drop down
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