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Home > Taking Payments > Handling Fees and Application Fees > Handling Fees, and Application Fees
Handling Fees, and Application Fees
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Handling Fees and Application Fees are different concepts but related.

Handling Fee

This is a fee that can be added to Registrants invoices for any paid event.  It is the equivalent of handling, processing, service fees - any of these types of items people see when they buys tickets to a sports event, or a theater.

Set it up at Configure > Reg Types/Options > Handling Fees

Here you can specify a fee structure - fixed or variable, related to part of the invoice or all of it - that then appears at the bottom of a Registrants invoice as a Handling Fee.  

Click here to see the full set up explained.

Application Fees

Clients of MeetMax may prefer to pass on a small amount per transaction - rather than pay a fixed license fee.  This may be used in conjunction with a Handling Fee, for example setting a handling fee of $5 and this be exactly the fee passed onto to MeetMax in lieu of the license fee.

But they do not have to be the same.  The handling fee could be larger than the Application Fee, leaving some of the handling fee for the Host.  Or is could be smaller, and used to subsidize the Application Fee but not entirely covering it.

This feature can ONLY BE USED WITH STRIPE.    Stripe has sophisticated split payment capabilities not all processors have.  You can set up an account quickly and its fees are the same as Paypal, and probably lower than a direct processors.  And the money wil get swept to your Bank Account just as with other payment systems.

Click here to see Application Fees full explained.

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