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Home > 1x1 Meetings > FAQ: 1x1 Meetings > How do I allow Colleagues to schedule meetings with each other?
How do I allow Colleagues to schedule meetings with each other?
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In an Unmoderated meeting program, Colleagues from the same company might want the option to schedule 1x1 meetings with each other. This can be especially useful when Colleagues from different divisions or locations are attending the same event.

Step 1. Head to the Configure tab. Choose Meeting Settings, then General Settings:
Step 2. Under Allow meetings between colleagues, choose Yes:
Step 3. Scroll to the bottom of the page and click the Save button:

With that setting in place, any Attendee who has Colleagues at your event will be able to send them meeting requests.

In this example, Erin Examplers from Chicago Logistics has logged into MeetMax and gone to the Meeting Requests page.

She can search her company name and see other Attendees from the same company:

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