This article reflects our data storage policy as of February 2025. |
MeetMax keeps an event in your account for 15 months after its end date. You’ll be able to see it in your account throughout that time.
To see your available event list, head to the Configure tab. Choose Events, then Switch Event:
15 months after each event concludes, we delete it from our production servers.
You won't receive an advance notification when your events reach the 15-month point. We recommend that you download event data immediately after the event ends. |
As part of our ongoing security compliance, we can only undertake long-term data storage if we have a contractual agreement with you to do so.
We have an Event Data Archive service you can subscribe to. With that service, at the end of 15 months we’ll move participant-related data to our archive servers.
Reach out to your TWST Sales Rep to start a subscription.