Occasionally, your event might have one meeting that needs to be longer or shorter than the established time slots.
Here’s how to update the duration of any individual meeting.
- Step 1. Head to either the Attendee List or Company List, depending on who’s participating in this meeting:
- Step 2. Filter the list to locate the Attendee or Company you need. Then use the Action menu to choose Meeting Times:
- Step 3. On the Meeting Times page, click the tab for the day of the meeting. Then click the Edit icon for the meeting:
- Step 4. In the pop-up, click the Time link:
- Step 5. You can now change the meeting’s duration. Be sure to click Submit:
MeetMax can only extend a meeting if there are no schedule conflicts for any participant, or the meeting location. You’ll see an error message if overlapping meetings exist. - On the Meeting Times page, you’ll now see the start/end times in parentheses, which indicates that this meeting varies from your event’s time slots:
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