You can update your event’s core information at any time.
To get started, head to the Configure tab. Choose Event Settings, then Main Details:
On the Main Details page, you can update any of the information in the form:
- Title: This is the name of your event, which appears on all web pages and emails.
- Location: You can change the city, state, and country, as well as the time zone.
- Contact: The name and email you enter here will appear on automated email notifications MeetMax sends. Learn more about formatting the contact email here.
- Email CC: You can add an email address here if you want it to be automatically copied on event communications.
- Registration Closed: Learn about closing event registration here.
- Time and Date Format: MeetMax can display times in a 12-hour or 24-hour format. Dates can be either MM/DD/YY or YY/MM/DD.