The Add Cost Item allows you to add new budget line item. Cost items fall into the following type categories: Administration, Audio/Visual Entertainment, Beverage Service, Engineering/Miscellaneous, Food service, Gift, and Travel. Cost items can be either fixed costs -- those line items that are a flat fee for the entire event, or variable costs -- those line items that vary with the number of attendees who register. An example of a fixed cost would be the conference center rental fee. An example of a variable cost would be the F&B charges for coffee breaks.
To add a new cost item:
- Select the type (see below for further description)
- Enter a description of the cost item,
- Enter the amount/cost of the item
- Select the cost breakout type (see below for further description)
- Select 'submit' to save the new cost item
Type categories include:
- Administration - costs associated with event administration such as fee for an activity coordinator
- Audio/Visual Entertainment - costs associated with AV and entertainment
- Beverage Service - separate beverage service
- Engineering/Miscellaneous -costs not specific to another category
- Food service - meals
- Gift - gifts for speakers, attendees
- Travel - transportation costs paid by host
Cost breakout types include:
- Fixed - cost is one time fixed, such as conference room rental
- Per Activity Day - cost per day for an activity, such as
- Guest - cost for guest only
- Per Head - cost per person (includes company reps & attendees), such as a meal cost
- Attendee - cost per attendee only
- Attendee & Guest - cost per attendee and guest
- Unique Attendee