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Home > Taking Payments > What are my responsibilities for managing payments in MeetMax?
What are my responsibilities for managing payments in MeetMax?
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MeetMax can either:

Our team may configure or update payment settings in your MeetMax account.

You are solely responsible for:

  • Verifying that our team performed this work according to your specifications
  • Verifying that payments are processing correctly throughout your event

These responsibilities are outlined in our Master Services Agreement.

Requesting updates to payment settings

Once we’ve configured payments for your event, you can request changes any time.

  We require a written request to update any payment settings. Our team cannot begin work until we receive a written request.
Step 1. Submit a ticket to our Support team. Include the specific details of the change you need.
Step 2. Our team will confirm receipt, and reply to your ticket when the work is complete.
Step 3. You’ll then verify that the changes were made correctly.

We recommend running a test transaction. If your event hasn’t begun registration yet, you can use your event’s Test Mode. Otherwise, you can run a test transaction in the live event.

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