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Home > Setting Up Event Details > Using the MeetMax CSS editors
Using the MeetMax CSS editors
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If you want to use CSS to add your own branding to your MeetMax events, we offer two ways to do it.

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Where is it?

You’ll find the MeetMax CSS editors in the Configure tab. They’re part of the Header editor:

The CSS editor can only be accessed by people with Event Administrator permissions.

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Adding account-wide CSS

You might want to apply specific CSS elements to all current and future MeetMax events. The Client CSS editor gives you that access.

Step 1. Head to the Configure tab. Choose Site Design, then Header:
Step 2. In the top left corner of the editor, use the menu to choose Client CSS:
Step 3. Add your CSS, and click Change:
  If you add event-specific CSS as shown below, that will override this account-wide CSS.

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Adding event-specific CSS

For some events, you might want to use different styling. The CSS editor only applies to the event you’re editing. 

As we mentioned above, this event-specific CSS overrides account-wide CSS.

Step 1. Head to the Configure tab. Choose Site Design, then Header:
Step 2. In the top left corner of the editor, use the menu to choose CSS:
Step 3. Add your CSS, and click Change:
  You’ll also see an Event List CSS option in the menu. This applies only to our mobile app.
  If you’re having any issues with CSS, reach out to our Support team.
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