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Home > 1x1 Meetings > Moderated Meeting Program > What if I get multiple change requests for the same meeting?
What if I get multiple change requests for the same meeting?
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If you’re letting Attendees submit change requests for their scheduled meetings, from time to time someone might submit more than one request involving the same meeting.

Here’s an example. These two change requests were made at different times, and they involve the same meeting:

If you click either of the Meeting with links, you’ll head to this Company’s Meeting Times page.

There, you can click the Change Requests button. It shows the details of both requests:

You can make all of the requested changes to the meeting at once:

After you do that, click the Change Requests button again. Mark each change as Resolved:

If the change requests are conflicting or confusing, you can always click the Message Attendee button to ask for more information:

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