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Home > Taking Payments > Credit Card Transactions
Credit Card Transactions
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The Transaction list shows all the transactions involving credit cards.  You can filter it, and download it to excel.  It should be useful in reconciling your revenue total and the data from your processor.

The list can be filtered by:

  • Attendee Name -  The name of the Attendee the transaction was made on behalf of
  • Payer Name - the name on the card that was used to pay
  • Tx ID - this is the transaction ID that MeetMax applies to the transaction - it is transmitted to the processor, so you will find it  in the processor site reporting.
  • Status - S=Success. F= Fail. P=Pending. V=Void.
  • Processor's Tx ID - an ID assigned to the transaction by the credit card processor.
  • Tx Type - this will distinguish between free signups, card payments, refunds.

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