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Using the Change Reports page
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Change reports let you see changes in schedules since you last ran the report. MeetMax reports on Activities and 1x1 meetings.

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Where is it?

To visit this page, head to the Reports tab. Then choose Change Reports:

There are two types of change reports available in MeetMax:

  • Activity, which covers sign-ups for Activities at your event.
  • Meetings, which covers scheduled 1x1 meetings.

Both reports download to your computer in Excel format. You can open them in any spreadsheet software.

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Activity Change report

This report tracks new Activity reservations and cancellations since the last report.

Step 1. Head to the Activities tab. Then choose Attendees:
Step 2. This page has your current list of Activity sign-ups. You’ll download this as the baseline for your change report.
Step 3. Head to the top right corner of the page and click Excel to download a copy:
  Don’t skip this download step! You’ll need this download as a reference later.
Step 4. Now, head to the Reports tab. Choose Change Reports, then Activity:
Step 5. Click on Save Report Snapshot. MeetMax will remind you to download, as you did in the previous steps:
  MeetMax saves this snapshot internally; you won’t have access to it. This is why you needed to download the Activity sign-up list beforehand.
Step 6. After the snapshot saves, you’ll see its date and time:
Step 7. At this point, time passes and your team or participants will make changes to Activity sign-ups.
When you’re ready to see the changes, return to the Activity Change Report page. Click on Download Activity Change Report:
MeetMax automatically downloads the report to your computer.
  This report doesn’t track changes in menu options. You can always download a new copy of the sign-up list to get the most current data for your activity provider.
  You might want to click Save Report Snapshot again after running this report. That way, you have a new baseline for a future change report.

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Meeting Change report

This report tracks:

  • New meetings scheduled
  • Meetings canceled
  • Changes to meeting times and locations

Saving data snapshots

Head to the Reports tab. Choose Change Reports, then Meeting:

The first time you visit this page, you’ll see only the Save Report Snapshot button.

Click that to save the first snapshot of your scheduled meetings:

After that, you’ll see a new drop down menu of your saved snapshots:

You can save a new snapshot at any time. Meetings programs change constantly, so you’ll likely want several of them throughout your event.

Running the report

Step 1. After you've saved a snapshot, time passes and your team and participants will make changes to scheduled meetings.
Step 2. When you’re ready to see the changes, head to the Reports tab. Choose Change Reports, then Meeting:
Step 3. Choose a snapshot date from the menu. MeetMax will measure changes since the date and time of this snapshot:
Step 4. Once you’ve made a choice, MeetMax automatically downloads the report to your computer.
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