In this article:
- 1x1 Coordinator
- Analyst
- AV
- Banker
- Client
- Company Tracking
- Event Administrator
- Marketing
- Non Active
- Sales Rep
When you add a new Client Rep (Admin) account, you’ll see this menu of roles you can assign:
Think of the roles in this menu as a baseline. Our Support team can enable or disable the permissions attached to each role, so it works best for your event.
Your event might not need all of these roles. | |
If you need a detailed breakdown of which MeetMax pages each role can access, scroll to the bottom of this article and download the PDF. |
Below are the default permissions for each role.
1x1 Coordinator
The 1x1 Coordinator focuses on administering 1x1 meetings at your event. They work with availability, creating meetings, and producing participant schedules.
This role can:
- Add or delete Companies and Attendees
- Create meetings for both Companies and Attendees
- Add availability for Companies
- Add blackout times for Attendees
- Make and update requests and rankings for Attendees
- View the Meeting Request List and Meetings List
- View, print or email schedules
- Create and save custom reports from the Attendee and Company List
- Use the Form Editor
- Create Custom Pages
- Add and update Presentations
An Analyst can monitor Attendee meeting requests and distribute schedules. They can also create custom reports from the Attendee and Company Lists.
This role can:
- Edit Attendee and Company details
- View the meeting requests made by each Attendee
- Add availability for Companies
- Add blackout times for Attendees
- Add Company Reps
- View, email or print schedules
- Create and save custom reports from the Attendee and Company List
- Send batch emails to Attendees and Companies
The AV role can retrieve files Companies have uploaded to MeetMax, like presentation materials.
This role can:
- Add availability for Companies
- Edit Company details
- Add Company Reps
- View files uploaded by Companies
- Upload files to Company records
- Create and save custom reports from the Company List.
- Send batch emails to Companies.
The Banker role is a communications role that’s focused on Companies.
This role can:
- Edit Company details
- Add Company Reps
- Add availability for Companies
- Send batch emails to Companies
- View files uploaded by Companies
- Upload files to Company records
- View, email or print Company schedules
- Create custom reports from the Company List
The Client role can administer and communicate with all Attendees and Invitees. They can also monitor Attendee meeting requests and produce Attendee schedules.
This role can:
- Add, view, approve, or edit Invitees
- Add, view, or edit Attendees
- Add blackout times for Attendees
- View Attendee meeting requests
- Make and update Attendee meeting requests and rankings
- View, email or print Attendee schedules
- Create and save custom reports from the Attendee List
- Send batch emails to Attendees
Company Tracking
Think of the Company Tracking role as an analyst who administers and communicates with Companies.
If your event has more than one person in this role, each person usually has specific Companies assigned to them.
This role can:
- Create and save custom reports from the Company List
- View meeting requests for their assigned Companies
- View the requestors a Company has opted not to see
- View, email or print Company schedules
- Receive copies of registration confirmation emails sent to Companies assigned to them
- Edit details of Companies assigned to them
- Send batch emails to Companies assigned to them
Event Administrator
This role has full access to all functions. This role can be set for access to all events, or only specific events.
The Marketing role can administer and communicate with Invitees, Attendees and Companies. They also have access to Activities and payment transactions.
This role can:
- View, email or print Company and Attendee schedules
- Add, edit, and delete Companies and Attendees
- Access files uploaded by Companies and Attendees
- Create reports from the Attendee List and Company List
- View payment transactions.
- Add and modify Activities
Non Active:
The Non Active role automatically disables all access to Client Rep functions in MeetMax. If you need to cancel one of your Client Rep accounts, assign this role.
Sales Rep:
The Sales Rep role can administer and communicate with Attendees.
If your event has more than one person in this role, each person usually has specific Attendees assigned to them.
This role can:
- View meeting requests for their assigned Attendees
- View the requestors an Attendee has opted not to see
- Create and save custom reports from the Attendee List
- View, email or print schedules of Attendees assigned to them
- Receive copies of registration confirmation emails sent to Attendees assigned to them
- Change contact information for Attendees assigned to them
- Send batch emails to Attendees assigned to them