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Home > 1x1 Meetings > FAQ: 1x1 Meetings > How do I add internal notes to the Meeting Times page?
How do I add internal notes to the Meeting Times page?
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When your team is scheduling 1x1 meetings, it can be useful to share internal notes.

Or, if only one person is doing the scheduling, it’s helpful to add reminders to certain Company or Attendee records.

You can post internal notes to any Attendee’s or Company’s Meeting Times page.

  By default, anyone on your team with either 1x1 Coordinator or Event Administrator permissions will be able to access internal notes. Reach out to our Support team if you need help with permissions.

Posting and viewing internal notes

Step 1. Filter either the Attendee List or Company List to locate the participant you need. 
Then use the Action menu to choose Meeting Times:
Step 2. On the Meeting Times page, click the Add Note button:
Step 3. Add your note, then click Submit:
  The notes you post here won’t appear on the Meeting Times page for any other Attendee or Company.
Step 4. This Meeting Times page now displays a link for the new note. You’ll see when it was created, and which Admin created it:
Click the link to open the internal notes:

Editing or deleting an internal note

Anyone who has access to create meetings can also edit and delete internal notes.

To update a note, click the Edit icon:

To delete a note, click the Delete icon. You’ll be prompted to confirm the deletion:

  Anyone on your team who has access to internal notes can edit or delete notes posted by anyone else.

Learn more:

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