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We Make Meetings Work.
Cost Summary
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Topics on this page:

  1. Accounting
  2. Cost Summary
  3. Cost Items
  4. Add Cost Item
  5. Revenue Summary


The Accounting tab allows you to track the financial performance of your event. You can enter budget line items, and track your spending for those line items based on the number of people registering for the conference. You can also track the revenue collected in registration fees, activity charges, hotel fees, and ground transportation fees. You may export data from your event accounting summary into your external event accounting system. Cost items can be fixed or variable based on attendees, activity days or rooms.


Cost Summary

Cost Summary provides a summary list of all budget line items and the current costs associated with each.

To view a specific cost item: Click on the individual cost item. This displays the cost item information or brings you to the appropriate tab. For example, clicking on 'Transportation' will display the Transportation Availability tab.


Cost Items

Cost Items displays a detailed list of all budget line items, both fixed and variable costs. You should enter the line items you want to track in advance of setting up your event, so that as people register the associated costs will be tallied on this page. From this screen you can add a new cost item, edit or delete an existing item. You can also download a cost item report in Excel which can then be imported into your external cost accounting system.

To view existing cost items: Click the 'Add Cost Item' at the top left to go directly to the Add Cost Item screen.

To modify an existing cost item: click 'edit' to the right of the screen.

To delete a cost item: click 'delete'. A screen will appear asking you to confirm you want to delete.

To download the cost item report:

  • Click the 'Excel' function in the upper right corner of the page.
  • This will open the cost item report in Excel
  • Click on save the file in Excel to save to disk.
  • You can then open this file using Excel and/or import into your external accounting system


Add Cost Item

The Add Cost Item allows you to add new cost items in the following type categories: Administration, Audio/Visual Entertainment, Beverage Service, Engineering/Miscellaneous, Food service, Gift, and Travel.

To add a new cost item:

  • Select the type (see below for further description)
  • Enter a description of the cost item,
  • Enter the amount/cost of the item
  • Select the cost breakout type (see below for further description)
  • Select 'submit' to save the new cost item

Type categories include:

  1. Administration - costs associated with event administration such as fee for an activity coordinator
  2. Audio/Visual Entertainment - costs associated with AV and entertainment
  3. Beverage Service - separate beverage service
  4. Engineering/Miscellaneous -costs not specific to another category
  5. Food service - meals
  6. Gift - gifts for speakers, attendees
  7. Travel - transportation costs paid by host

Cost breakout types include:

  1. Fixed - cost is one time fixed, such as conference room rental
  2. Per Activity Day - cost per day for an activity
  3. Guest - cost for guest only
  4. Per Head - cost per person (includes companies & attendees), such as a meal cost
  5. Attendee - cost per attendee only
  6. Attendee & Guest - cost per attendee and guest
  7. Unique Attendee - cost


Revenue Summary

Revenue Summary displays a summary of all event revenue. This is a display-only screen.

The Revenue report is displayed by source: Registration, Activities, Hotel and Transportation, and by paid and due amounts.


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