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Home > Meeting Management > Availability Report
Availability Report
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Availability Report

Attendee Availability displays a list of available attendee and company meeting times (time slots) by date, time and company. You can search by company, role, Ticker  and name to see the availability for a specific attendee or company.

To generate a query list or a specific Company or Attendee using Filter:

  • In the filter at the top of the page, click on Role = Company (or Attendee)
  • Enter a company name (or partial company name) in the blank field to the right
  • Click on 'filter' to generate the query list

To list only upcoming meeting times:

  • Click on the 'Exclude Expired Meetings' box below the filter box. This will display only the times available as of the current time

To include non-available slots as well:

  • Click on the 'Include Slots with Meetings' box above the filter box. This will add meeting slots that are not available because they are being used for a meeting.  It will include the details of the meeting for that time.

Use the Print, Excel or Emails icons in the top right to manage the list


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