As an Admin, you’ll set the overall meeting time slots for your event.
Once each Attendee registers, they can log into MeetMax and add “blackout times,” or time slots where they aren’t available for meetings.
When the Attendee logs into MeetMax, they’ll head to the Blackout Times tab:
This page will be branded for your event, and contain the menu options you’ve enabled. |
On the Blackout Times page, the Attendee can click individual checkboxes to remove any time slots from their availability.
If they want to remove a block of time slots at once, they can use the tools at the top of the page.
All changes save automatically:
As an Admin, you can leave the Blackout Times page available to Attendees throughout your event. But if an Attendee updates their blackout times, that could affect scheduled meetings.
So as an alternative, you can designate a deadline for entering blackouts, and then use the Menu Editor to remove the Blackout Times page from view.