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Locations List
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The Location List is a searchable list of all the locations you are using for meetings and booths.   You can download the entire list as an excel file.  You can see the status of each location,and you can manage the properties of each location starting from this list.

How to Edit the Properties


The Action drop down list at the end of each row holds the links to the actions you might want to take.


1. To edit Location Name (capacity, assignment, type):

  • Select 'Edit/Blackouts' to the right of the location you wish to edit.
  • Edit the properties and click Submit.

You can mark any room as being unavailable for use for certain times slots.  For example if the last day is quiet and you want to give up some of your meeting rooms.  To set blackout times for when the Location is not available:

  • Select 'Edit/Blackouts'.
  • Click the Set Blackouts link at the bottom of the form you are taken to.
  • Click the time slots you want to blackout for that location.  Click 'Save' to submit changes.

To view blackout times when the Room is not available, click on Edit Room, and then click on 'Set blackout' . You will see displayed all of the time slots; blackout time slots will be checked off. 

2.  To delete a Room: Select 'Delete' to the right of the room you wish to delete. You will be prompted to confirm you want to delete.


3.  Availability will show you a schedule for the use of that Location.  It will show the time slots for which the location is available, and the meetings that have been assigned to that location.


4. Reserve lets you reserve or associate that location with Companies at your event.  You could associate them with Attendees - but that is less common.  Associating a location with a Company means a couple of things.  If the location is "reservable" - then no other Company will be able to use the location - it is for the unique use of that Company.    In any automation of location assignment - the system will use that location for any meetings of that Company.   Also, the location will appear on any floor plans you use as belonging to that Company.


Columns in the List


Reserved - Yes/No indicates if the location has been assigned to any of the Companies.  No indicates a "free" location.


Blackouts - Yes/No indicates if the location has had any blackouts set for it.  A quick guide to which locations you have set blackouts for.


# Available Slots - indicates how many more slots the location can be used for meetings.  This represents all the time slots for your event, less any slots that are blacked out for that location, less any slots in use for meetings.


Capacity - show how many simultaneous meetings can take place in the location.  Change this using the Edit/Blackouts link.


Priority - shows whether the location is normal/priority status in using the location during automation.  Change this using the Edit/Blackouts link.


Assignment - shows whether the location is Open, Reserveable or Private - which determines whether the location is going to be shared in the automated location assignment, maintained for a single Company, or kept for discretionary use by the Event Admin.  Change this using the Edit/Blackouts link.







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