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Importing meeting locations
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If your event has a lot of meeting locations (or booths), you can save time by importing them as a list.


In this article:

Where is it?

You’ll import meeting locations from the Meetings tab. Choose Meeting Location, then Import:



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Formatting your spreadsheet

You can build your spreadsheet in any software. You’ll be exporting it as a CSV file to import to MeetMax.


You’ll need to match your spreadsheet to the Add Meeting Location form, so let’s head there first.


In the Meetings tab, choose Meeting Location and then Add Location:



You’ll need a spreadsheet column for each field in this form:



Note: Learn more about the Add Meeting Location form and how you can customize it.


Working with required fields

For each required field above, your spreadsheet must have data in that column. If the field isn’t required, you can leave that column empty and add the data later in MeetMax:



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Adding more location detail to the spreadsheet

The Add Meeting Location form can accommodate deeper details, so you might want to add these to your spreadsheet:



Numbers instead of Names:

If you’re using booth or room numbers, you can enter them in the Name column. MeetMax will combine the number with the Type, as in Booth 1, Booth 2, and so on.



If you created some categories in the Add Location form, you can enter them in your spreadsheet.



This field determines how a location can be used. The form offers three options. Use the labels below in your spreadsheet:

  • RESRV: A Company can reserve this location for their exclusive use
  • SHARE: This location is part of your pool of general meeting locations
  • PRIV: Only an Event Admin can reserve this location



If you’ve set reservation priorities in the Add Location form, you can enter them in your spreadsheet.


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Uploading your CSV

Note: We recommend setting up a small test version of your spreadsheet, with only a few rows. Import this first so you can catch any issues before you import your full list.

Step 1. Export a CSV file from your spreadsheet software.
Step 2. In MeetMax, head to the Meetings tab. Then choose Meeting Location, and Import:
Step 3. Indicate whether your spreadsheet has a header row or not.
Click Browse to choose the CSV file from your computer:
Click Next to proceed.
Step 4. Now, you’ll make sure the columns of your CSV are mapped to the correct fields in the MeetMax form.
Anywhere you see Do not map this field, use the drop down menu to choose the field that matches your header cell:
MeetMax will also display two columns of your data, so you can make sure all of the fields are mapped correctly.


Step 5. Next, go to the Required Fields tab.
There’s a field here, Is Scan Session, that relates to ID badging. If you aren’t using that service, you’ll need to uncheck that field:
If you’ll be importing locations in the future, you can click the radio button to Save these settings for future imports. Then click Continue.
Step 6. When all looks correct, click Import Now:
The import process can take up to a few minutes, depending on the size of your CSV.
Step 7. When you see the success message, you can head to the Locations tab to see your imported data:
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