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Home > 1x1 Meetings > Moderated Meetings > Adding a Single Meeting from Scratch
Adding a Single Meeting from Scratch
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This feature is used when you want to create a meeting from scratch between two parties who have not requested each other.  There are other ways to achieve the same thing - by going to the Meeting Times page for one of the parties and creating a meeting form there.

But this is a good place to do it if you have a few meetings you want to create and you would like to stay in one place while doing it.

It's very easy.  First you click into the search box and start typing some of the characters of the name or company of the first party.  You will soon be prompted with names matching your typing.  Pick the one you want.



You then have to select at least one other party (you can select many more - but 2 is the minimum).  Do the same search as before and select the second party.

At this point - you will be offered Time slots in the Meeting Time section that will appear to you.  It will show you times when both parties are available (not blacked out and not meeting). Choose a time. Decide if you want to email them with the information about the meeting you are creating. Then click Submit.



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