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Home > Reporting > Attendee Reports Page
Attendee Reports Page
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This page shows  selection of commonly run reports.  The vast majority of these reports are simply short-cuts to reports available elsewhere.  The relevant list page offers more flexibility for setting filters and configuring column fields.

schedule all

  • load the printable version of the Attendees Meeting Schedules (redundant with filtering for Attendees roles on the Attendee List, and clicking the Schedule icon)

schedules with confirmed meetings

  • load the printable version of the Attendees Meeting Schedules for those that have meetings (redundant with filtering for Attendees roles and 'with confirmed meetings' on the Attendee List, and clicking the Schedule icon)

schedules with confirmed meetings (unified)

  • load the printable version of the Attendees Meeting Schedules for those that have meetings in the unified schedule format (redundant with filtering for Attendees roles and 'with confirmed meetings' on the Attendee List, and clicking the Schedule icon, and using the settings widget to set the Unified (Combined) Version)

schedules with confirmed meetings (unexpired)

  • an onsite feature. load the printable version of the Attendees Meeting Schedules for those that have meetings still to occur (redundant with filtering for Attendees roles and 'with unexpired meetings' on the Attendee List, and clicking the Schedule icon, and using the Settings Widget to set 'Hide Expired'.)

schedules with confirmed meetings (unexpired/unified)

  • load the printable version of the Attendees Meeting Schedules for those that have meetings in the unified schedule format (redundant with filtering for Attendees roles and 'with unexpired meetings' on the Attendee List, and clicking the Schedule icon, and using the Settings Widget to set 'Hide Expired' and set the Unified (Combined) Version)

combined schedules with meetings

  • load the printable version of the Group/Inst. Schedules for all Companies and Attendee Groups (only source for this report)

attendees with guests spreadsheet

  • a complete list of all Attendees plus their guests (redundant with the report you can run from the Attendee List using an Attendee plus Guest Role filter)

attendees and company reps with guests spreadsheet

  • a complete list of all Attendees plus Company Reps plus their guests (redundant with the report you can run from the Attendee List downloading all the Attendees with no filter)

meeting requests spreadsheet

  • a download of all the meetings requests made (redundant with visiting Meetings > Meeting Requests)

attendees with no meetings requests spreadsheet

  • list of Attendees that have not made any requests (redundant with visiting the Attendees List and filtering on 'without requests')

attendee cancellations

  • a list of Attendees that have cancelled from the event (redundant with visiting Attendees > Deletion Log)

registrants attending

  • a list of Attendees that physically attended the event (redundant with visiting Attendees List and filtering on Role is Attendee and 'is attending'=Yes)

registrants not attending

  • a list of Attendees that physically attended the event (redundant with visiting Attendees List and filtering on Role is Attendee and 'is attending'=No)

company reps attending

  • a list of Company Reps that physically attended the event (redundant with visiting Attendees List and filtering on Role is Company Rep and 'is attending'=Yes)

company reps not attending

  • a list of Company Rep that physically attended the event (redundant with visiting Attendees List and filtering on Role is Company Rep and 'is attending'=No)

attendee meeting

  • a list of all the Attendees with request and meeting stats (redundant with visiting the Attendee List and selecting Attendee Meetings from the Load Report drop down)

institution meeting

  • a list of all the unique Company groups representing the Attendees (removing the names of the individuals and de-duping) with request and meeting stats for the entire Group in aggregate (redundant with visiting the Attendee List and selecting Institutional Meetings from the Load Report drop down)


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