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Home > Reporting > Meeting Location Reports
Meeting Location Reports
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Meeting Location Reports

The Room Reports function allows you to generate various reports pertaining to room assignments. The following is a description of the available reports:

  1. Print Room Report - generates a list of all scheduled meetings by room name. You can use this list to generate a printout and make it available in each meeting room.
  2. Print Room Availability report - report by date/room, displays all times slots the room is available, includes scheduled meetings and unscheduled time slots
  3. Print Room Availability Report by Time - generates a list of time slots and the rooms available at those times. This is a real-time report. It will only show those available if they do not have any meetings assigned to them.
  4. Print Grid - generates a master meeting report in a grid layout. You can select from 4 views on the data. You can choose to include on the list company reps and/or attendees and/or company availabilty.
  5. Print Room Availability (3 hr time slots) - generates a list of all rooms with 3 hr times slots available.

Note: Depending upon the web browser, the report you are running may display behind the main screen. If the report you select does not display you may need to minimize your screen and the report should appear.

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