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Using the Assign Locations Grid
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This grid gives you a visual overview of the meetings booked for each day of your event. From here, you can easily assign or change locations for existing meetings.

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Where is it?

In the Meetings tab, choose Meeting Location. Then choose Assign Locations Grid:

  This Grid is handy to use alongside your Meeting Times page. With the Grid, you’ll manage meeting location assignments. On the Meeting Times page, you can manage meeting locations, times and participants.

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How the grid works

When you open the Assign Locations Grid, you’ll see the days of your event arranged in tabs across the top.

On each tab is an overview of the meetings booked for that day.

  • A red X means there’s no location assigned.
  • A green check means the meeting has an assigned location:

The top row of the grid shows the number of meetings currently scheduled for each time slot - this includes meetings both with and without a location assigned:

This row helps you make sure you’ll have enough available locations for those meetings. If you’re running short, you can add more locations or increase their capacity.

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Assigning a location for a meeting

We’re assuming here that you’ve already added or imported your meeting locations to MeetMax.

Step 1. Click on any box with an X in it - it doesn’t currently have a location assigned:
Step 2. You’ll now see a pop-up with the meeting’s details. Use the drop down menu to choose from the available locations for this time slot. Then click Save:
  This is the basic process. See below for some deeper options.
Step 3. The grid now shows this meeting as assigned, and you’ll see the assigned location:

More settings for assigning locations

When you choose a location for a meeting, you’ll have the option to use this same location for all of the company’s other meetings on this day. Learn more about this here:

The drop-down menu of locations also has some helpful information:

  • An asterisk next to any location means there’s another meeting happening there at the same time.
  • If there’s a number in brackets by a location, that’s the total number of remaining meetings available to schedule at this location today. This detail is useful if you’re hoping to use the same location for more of this company’s meetings:

  These details are part of how MeetMax prevents scheduling conflicts.

If you need to add a new meeting location to your event, you can do it from this menu as well:

You can then head to the Locations List to add any settings to this new location.

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Using Auto-Assign

The Auto Assign tab lets you assign a meeting location to a block of meetings happening on the same day:

Learn more about how it works here.

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Changing the location of a meeting

Step 1. Click the box for any meeting with a green check mark:
Step 2. In the pop-up, you’ll see the current location assigned to this meeting. Use the drop down menu to choose a different location. Then click Save:
Step 3. If you don’t see this location change on the grid immediately, try refreshing your page.

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Unassigning a location

You can remove the location assigned to any meeting. Click the Unassign room check box, then click Save:

The meeting will still exist. It just becomes a meeting with no location assigned:

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Filtering the Locations Grid

The Grid has a Filter tab, so you can change your view of the information. This can be useful for different types of work. You can combine these filters any way you like.

Any time you make a change to the filters, click the magnifying glass button to apply the change:

Compressed or Uncompressed views

By default, the grid shows a Compressed view (meaning the box isn’t checked).

In this view, you’ll only see the participants who are hosting the meetings:

If you switch to the Uncompressed view, you’ll see all participants in the grid - those who are hosting the meetings, and those who are attending them:

Adjusting the assigned rooms display

You can adjust the grid to show wider or narrower views.

By default, the filter display is Only show rows with unassigned rooms. With this filter, you’ll only see the participants who have meetings without location assignments.

If they also have some meetings with assigned locations, you’ll see those in this view too:

If you’d rather see the broadest picture possible, set the filter to Include rows with assigned rooms. Now you can see all meetings - those with locations, and those without.

If all of a participant’s meetings already have locations assigned, they’ll still appear in this view (like Bank of Colorado below):

If you want to narrow things down so you only see unassigned meetings, use the Include rows with assigned meetings (exclude assigned cells) filter.

In the example below, Central Fund also has meetings with locations already assigned. But they don’t appear in this view:

Additional filters

You can also filter the grid by many of the same criteria you use in other MeetMax lists - by Company, for example, or by meeting location.

These filters are helpful if you need to get a very targeted view. You can use the + button to combine filters as well.

Here’s an example, where we filtered the grid to show only one company’s meetings, scheduled for one location:

If you need to remove these filters, use the X button to remove one filter, or the Clear link to remove all of them:

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